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Code snippet

Preview the code snippet component with the React live demo. For detailed code usage documentation, see the Storybooks for each framework below.


Live demo

@mixin grid-container {
  width: 100%;
  padding-right: padding(mobile);
  padding-left: padding(mobile);

  @include breakpoint(bp--xs--major) {
    padding-right: padding(xs);
    padding-left: padding(xs);

$z-indexes: (
  modal : 9000,
  overlay : 8000,
  dropdown : 7000,
  header : 6000,
  footer : 5000,
  hidden : - 1,
  overflowHidden: - 1,
  floating: 10000

Sample data

const codeSnippet = `@mixin grid-container {
width: 100%;
padding-right: padding(mobile);
padding-left: padding(mobile);
@include breakpoint(bp--xs--major) {
padding-right: padding(xs);
padding-left: padding(xs);